Goofy donald duck and mickey mouse dallas cowboys football shirt

I got invited to a party at top golf in vegas a while ago and the actor who played the soup nazi was there because he had been doing autograph signings at the booth of the same company who was putting on the party at an expo earlier in the day. I ended up getting up put in the golf thing with Goofy donald duck and mickey mouse dallas cowboys football shirt and he seemed kid of annoyed he was with someone else because like 80% of the party was coming up to him and yelling “no soup for you!” While he was hanging out and just trying to have a nice time.

Goofy donald duck and mickey mouse dallas cowboys football shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Ladie Tee, Vneck, Bellaflowy, Kids Shirt, Unisex and Tank Top, T-shirt

Goofy donald duck and mickey mouse dallas cowboys football shirt

tags:#babyyoda #memes #cute #starwarsmemes #babyyodamemes #yodamemes #lukas #lukasfilms #disney #star #wars #movie #mandalorian #series #themandalorianp #starwars


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