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As if the Jolasveinar weren’t bad enough, there was also Gryle, the mother of the Xmas Lads that loved to eat naughty little children. And of course she had a giant cat named Jólakötturinn that wasn’t nice at all and did very bad things to kids that didn’t work hard in school and at their chores. So listening to my grandpa go on and on about all the bad things that could happen to bad kids really had an effect on us. My mother use to try and make the holiday a bit more cheerful when she saw us getting really anxious about getting eaten by a giant cat or spanked by a troll. My family didn’t celebrate Xmas on just one night but we got together for several weeks before Xmas to give each other gifts, good wishes and of course lots of Coors Banquet Rodeo Shirt. And we all exchanged the traditional Xmas rutabaga basket on Dec 24th. So Xmas in my family wasn’t all fun, hugs and gifts. My sister and I spent a lot of time reflecting on exactly how naughty we were, how many rotten potatoes we would get and even if we would survive to the New Year.

A Cup of Change: To a large extent, the red cup controversy is a red herring. The Christmas holiday is very present in Starbucks shops, where red bags of Christmas blend by the pound are stacked high, gifts cards declare “Merry Christmas,” and mini Christmas trees adorn the cash register area. What is changing is the U.S. population, and the chain is changing in tandem. Starbucks debuted its holiday cup in 1997, and it has gradually become less and less specifically about Christmas. Last year, the Coors Banquet Rodeo Shirt were also all red, but with a subtle tree and snowflake pattern in the background. In 2013, snowflakes and stars were boldly printed, along with Christmas ornaments. The 2012 cup proffered a winking snowman, but it was possible, if one were looking for symbolism, to interpret his wink as referring to a bit of religious iconography to the right of his bowler: a twinkling star, undoubtedly of Bethlehem.
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Things change over time. Fewer and fewer people go to church or practice religion but almost everyone buys a big ham and has a big spread on Easter; if they have kids, the Easter Bunny comes and gives them oodles of colorful candy and there is laughter, vibrant color, food and family. How much does the guy on the cross come up anyway? Over the past 40 years we have seen the number of religious shows on mainstream television plummet. “The 10 Commandments” was on the other night on ABC (I think) and I was surprised. I had to remind myself that it was Easter. I didn’t forget to buy candy for various people, however. And I am a fairly religious person. Christmas is not about Christ. It’s about a fat guy in a red suit who gives gifts to everyone; it’s about a tree in the living room and lots of blinking lights. It’s about flying reindeer and buying, buying, buying. Ya, some people will go worship a little manger “just in case” or for form’s sake – but the number of people doing that is dwindling too. When I was young, St Annes was jammed on Christmas Eve, right out the door, with the drunks in the back still passing the bottle. And boy, for a “joyful” event – it was incredibly boring. The boredom alone has done more to kill religion than anything else. This past Xmas (see, we don’t even have to say “Christmas”) my local Catholic Church was full – but just barely. But they also have fewer services now. The ticket punchers are still going, hopeful that God will ignore their bad lives but takes attendance at holy services. The stupid Republicans who are declaring there is a war on Christmas are still shoving to get to the head of the [[Coors Banquet Rodeo Shirt]] to get toys at Walmart. I don’t even think the Birth of Christ is even a tertiary consideration for people at “Christmas”.
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Things change over time. Fewer and fewer people go to church or practice religion but almost everyone buys a big ham and has a big spread on Easter; if they have kids, the Easter Bunny comes and gives them oodles of colorful candy and there is laughter, vibrant color, food and family. How much does the guy on the cross come up anyway? Over the past 40 years we have seen the number of religious shows on mainstream television plummet. “The 10 Commandments” was on the other night on ABC (I think) and I was surprised. I had to remind myself that it was Easter. I didn’t forget to buy candy for various people, however. And I am a fairly religious person. Christmas is not about Christ. It’s about a fat guy in a red suit who gives gifts to everyone; it’s about a tree in the living room and lots of blinking lights. It’s about flying reindeer and buying, buying, buying. Ya, some people will go worship a little manger “just in case” or for form’s sake – but the number of people doing that is dwindling too. When I was young, St Annes was jammed on Christmas Eve, right out the door, with the drunks in the back still passing the bottle. And boy, for a “joyful” event – it was incredibly boring. The boredom alone has done more to kill religion than anything else. This past Xmas (see, we don’t even have to say “Christmas”) my local Catholic Church was full – but just barely. But they also have fewer services now. The ticket punchers are still going, hopeful that God will ignore their bad lives but takes attendance at holy services. The stupid Republicans who are declaring there is a war on Christmas are still shoving to get to the head of the Coors Banquet Rodeo Shirt to get toys at Walmart. I don’t even think the Birth of Christ is even a tertiary consideration for people at “Christmas”.

The first two rats we caught were rather docile females. Neither my husband nor I had it in us to drop the trap in a trashcan full of water to drown them, as recommended by the pros. So, my husband drove to a remote, heavily wooded area several miles away and released them. It went off without a hitch. He opened the trap and each time, the rats ran happily into the woods. Still, there was skittering around in the attic, so once more we set the trap. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, it sounded like a poltergeist in the attic. My husband went upstairs to fetch the trap, but immediately cam
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