Boo bies Funny Gift T Shirt - renbytees
I am getting 30% marks in my tests and it is because I am not studying hard. It’s not like I don’t want to study but I just can’t, I am not able to focus. I am feeling exhausted, guilty, regret, motivated, shame, fear literally everything. I started preparing for JEE in 11th. I told my parents that IIT is where I want to see myself after two years.But my fantasy was the Boo bies Funny Gift T Shirt – IIT, and the process was not even a matter to consider. I think that’s a problem with many of us, so much attached to the wonderful end result and can’t even focus on the controllable things. People in my area don’t even know difference between IIT and ITI. My dad still thinks that not appearing in the state polytechnic exam was my mistake. In the 11th mid, when topics used to went over my head, instead of sit back and try to understand it I used to leave it and seek for some other kinda pleasure and hence I became PMO addict and this continued for 6 months. This thing took a lot of my time, destroyed my confidence and kicked me back to level zero. I tried so so hard to get rid of this but nothing worked out! Obviously, what can you expect from a teen guy locked alone in his room with high speed internet. But thank God, I am in control right now.

Buy it now: Boo bies Funny Gift T Shirt - renbytees
Made In January 1955 67 Years Of Being Awesome T Shirt - renbytees
Made In January 1955 67 Years Of Being Awesome T Shirt - renbytees
Hompage: renbytees
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