Life is not a fairy tale if you lose shirt - renbytees
Life is not a fairy tale if you lose shirt
Vietnamese Lunar New Year is both a Vietnamese culture and scientific observation of the moon’s cycle from which the Lunar calendar was created 4,000+ years ago. On the other hand, the Gregorian calendar, which is used as the Life is not a fairy tale if you lose shirt calendar nowadays, is based on the Earth’s cycle. Throughout its culture and civilization over 4,000+ years, Vietnam celebrates Lunar New Year as its custom. While Vietnamese Lunar New Year and Chinese New Year are for the same day, Chinese New Year is a just cultural event and is a term that Chinese immigrants in other countries, particularly Western countries, uses to distinguish it from the New Year of Gregorian calendar and became a habit over the years. In fact, Chinese do not know the Lunar New Year is the new year of the Lunar calendar.

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Thats what I do I ride I drink I hate people and I know things shirt - renbytees
Thats what I do I ride I drink I hate people and I know things shirt - renbytees
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