African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt - renb
African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt
All the measures are political, not medical, reason why mask or no mask, glove or no glove, distancing or no distancing will not bear on your being infected. VIruses have been out there as long or longer than us. Besides, what makes this one more special than others with consequences far worse than having numbers manipulated to look like there are so many infected and dead, when doctors are ordered to count all dead as a consequence of C-19 when they in fact died of other causes? Why are these abandoned on the assumption that C-19 has priority over everything else? Why are more than 700, 000 specialists, doctors, virologists claiming against the measures as a hoax and lawyers are starting to bring cases to courts? Why was this planned more than 10 years ago?

Buy it now: African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt - renb
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