Yorkie, I Am Telling You I'm Not a Yorkie T Shirt - renb
Yorkie, I Am Telling You I’m Not a Yorkie T Shirt
Cremating a dead body ensures: i. that the corp is not violated, say dug up and eaten by animals etc ii. it does not occupy space in the ground, iii. it does not spread any bacteria, virus etc, iv, Bones softened by the fire, and buried in a riverbed sands or thrown into the sea, or even land, only adds its mineral content in these bodies. Thus it is superior to burying, (Towers of silence – a belief system, best not commented upon) etc. It applies to all cases, more so with the deadly viruss. Burying a dead body in the forest is a simple and cost free alternative to a poor person, who can not afford the cost of fuel needed to burn he bod; but has the disadvantages given above. When there is no space for the living, where do you find space for the dead?,

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Buffalo Hockey logo shirt - renb
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