UCF Knights 2021 2022 Ncaa American Athletic Women’s Basketball Champions logo T shirt - Te
UCF Knights 2021 2022 Ncaa American Athletic Women’s Basketball Champions logo T shirt
Having our cake and eating it too, one big spoon at a time. Will we still be judged for ‘doing too much’? Sure. Will we care? Not really. Ladies don’t complain about the UCF Knights 2021 2022 Ncaa American Athletic Women’s Basketball Champions logo T shirt and leg spasms we get during our period during a crunch deadline. A female VP doesn’t do any less of job because her male counterpart gets 1 and a half times her salary. A mother doesn’t complain that she’s been running errands all day, cooking all evening, and now needs to focus on prepping everyone’s tomorrow at night.This is what it means to be a woman. Apart from promoting empowerment to every corner of the world, for me, this gala day means to be the way a woman is. I see a lot of women, being pursued by other’s judgements, tries to fit to the statistics and norms, so set up by the Indian Society. From being judged by looks to tolerating body shaming, they either starve themselves or run behind fairness creams or juggle between kitchen shelves for homemade fairness recipes. Sometimes they land up being unhappy or goes into depression. These boundaries or oppression restrict an individual to take it’s original form, to bloom into a wonderful self, so created by the Almighty, the purpose being one of a kind. So, here’s a video link from my channel put up few days back where young girls talked about body shaming, being judged by looks or skin complexion, or sharing the experience of being harassed online, specifying ‘how did they feel’ when surpassed through these comments.

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