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Womens Autism Teacher Puzzle Piece Special Child Womens T Shirt
International Men’s Day isn’t about celebrating the achievement of men in this world – men are quite capable of doing that on their own, every other day of the Womens Autism Teacher Puzzle Piece Special Child Womens T Shirt and are far more likely to get the recognition they do or do not deserve. It’s also not about what most people think are “men’s rights issues” – the bollocks that gets spewed out by the “MRAs” is appalling, and hugely damaging to the real problems that men and boys are facing in this world. And in part – the “MRAs” are what cause a lot of people to have the reaction that I did to International Men’s Day. To consider it to be a joke. To think think that it must have been set up by radical “male right activists” as a push back to International Women’s Day instead of being a day where the issues around male mental health can be discussed and contemplated in a serious environment.

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