Ohio State Buckeyes NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler - vevoshirt
Ohio State Buckeyes NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler
Also there is no airport from where Ukrainian aircraft could take off at, except if they havent used civilian airport or some in other countries. There is one video on the Ohio State Buckeyes NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler of an alleged downing of Su-35 by a MiG-29 over some Ukrainian city, but to me and others it looked like it was made in DCS, it looked quite unrealistic. If we dont get any evidence of his actually shooting down anything and until we get at least photos of those aircraft Ukraine claims to have shot down I suspect it to be propaganda to boost morale of Ukrainian soldiers that are fleeing to Russia and Russian controlled parts of Ukraine. I honestly until evidence is provided wouldnt trust both sides, especially when it comes to killed people and destroyed equipment.

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Ohio State Buckeyes NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler - vevoshirt
Ohio State Buckeyes NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler - vevoshirt
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