Smu Mustangs NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler DTTTB2304086 - vevoshirt
Smu Mustangs NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler DTTTB2304086
We don’t know why but he hated boxes and Smu Mustangs NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler DTTTB2304086 of any kind. You couldn’t take a box off the porch if he was there or he would jump up and begin tearing at it like a shark. He tore a 3 foot hole in my side garage door from grabbing it when I would open and close it. He wanted to go out and get whoever I was trying to protect in the yard (gardener, meter reader) and he would grab onto the door with his teeth & pull. He hated this tree in the backyard (?) and when he went out he would spend 5 or 10 minutes barking and trying to bite the tree.

Buy it now:Smu Mustangs NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler DTTTB2304086 - vevoshirt
Smu Mustangs NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler DTTTB2304086 - vevoshirt
Smu Mustangs NCAA Mickey Mouse Personalized Tumbler DTTTB2304086 - vevoshirt
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