Coach Brian Kelly NFL Cartoon T Shirt - TeeGooG
Coach Brian Kelly NFL Cartoon T Shirt
So Unthir can’t immediately attack—doing so risks the ire of another Lich; instead, she and Spinel talk for a Coach Brian Kelly NFL Cartoon T Shirt. Notably, Spinel doesn’t really treat Unthir any differently than if she was talking to an alive Elven Wizard. She’s just herself: Friendly, openhearted, vulnerable. And something about that strikes a chord in Unthir. I forgot exactly what happened, but Spinny hugged her, and Unthir just started crying—obviously not actual crying because she’s a Lich and her tear ducts decayed centuries back, but the emotions are still the same. So Spinel just kept hugging her until Unthir felt good enough to let go.

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