Houston Astros Pennant Maid Park Shirt - TeeGooG
Houston Astros Pennant Maid Park Shirt
We decided that this tree thing was about 3,000 years from its initial Awakening. It had a Houston Astros Pennant Maid Park Shirt vocabulary and knew several languages but had never figured out things like “emotion” or “empathy”; it had loved its original Druid friend who awakened it, but hadn’t felt anything positive for anyone else ever in its “new” life since that druid had passed. It had an intense and abiding interest in mortal philosophy, though I believe it would be accurate to say that its philosophical conclusions were decidedly problematic pretty much across the board. It was intensely logical and literal, very frequently to a fault. And not in the fun “hey look Spock is acting like a Vulcan again!” kind of way, but more like “Oh dear gods in heaven it’s reached a ‘moral’ conclusion everyone run” kind of way.

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