I’m The Problem, It’s Me Anti Hero T Shirt - TeeGooG
I’m The Problem, It’s Me Anti Hero T Shirt
The group was ran by a outside contractor of psychologists. At first they did a good job but then the I’m The Problem, It’s Me Anti Hero T Shirt that ran the group decided she wanted to go back to school to further her education and the next person was horrible. There were two groups: my group, which included people from all walks of life and all types of offenses and there was also a sex offender specific group that some of the guys in my group also had to attend weekly. After a year I got bumped down to monthly in my group and was trying to get discharged from it completely but the company running it was dragging their feet. Even my PO was on board with letting me get out of it. Well they finally change vendors and I meet with the new guy once and he discharges me and says I just have to come for individual sessions once a month. By this point I have 7 months left on probation.

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