Wizard House Slytherin Harry Potter Hogwarts T Shirt - TeeGooG
Wizard House Slytherin Harry Potter Hogwarts T Shirt
Not really. Most pop culture references to D&D are at least partly stuck in the 80’s or even earlier, when the version of choice was probably AD&D 1st edition. Which was a Wizard House Slytherin Harry Potter Hogwarts T Shirt, confusing, badly edited conglomeration of barely related arbitrary rules. It was also something you could teach any reasonably intelligent high school kid enough to play in much less than an hour. The thing is, the player really doesn’t have to know all those rules. He just needs to know enough to have a fair idea what his character can or can’t do, once he decides on an action, the GM tells him what to roll and what to add (or subtract) and whether it works or not. It’s much, much harder to learn as the DM, but it can be done.

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